Being on a bit of a travel theme here, I thought I'd share one more post with you, this one from March 2009. As you can see, my windows on the Lot can be the windows on our world. I hope you'll enjoy this post, and another trip down memory lane.
Dali is such an amazing watchdog that she frequently barks at things only she can hear and I can't see. The aha comes eventually. It may be August and his beagle walking along the road, people looking at the house for sale next door, a man on his horse, a tractor, or like the other day...this gypsy caravan! I heard the clip clops before I saw it and ran to get the camera. I had seen one once before and marveled at this horse-drawn travel. I also saw a man on his bike the same summer, who had a little wagon attached to the back of his bike where his dog rode happily along. I love watching the people and their various modes of transportation that pass my door.
How we travel says a lot about who we are as people and where we are in our lives. I know that it's a luxury for me to be able to take the time to enjoy a walk, ride my bike, and oggle our valley from the huge picture windows on the bus.
Once again, this being "on the road" stuff really works for me. There are still those people who pass me in their vehicles going at least 100km/hour. They are always in a hurry when I see them. Some of them fly by every day. I wonder where they're hurrying to. I wonder if they notice the hang gliders on the other side of the river or the birds of prey soaring along beside them. I know how much I missed over the years that was right under my nose as I hurried through my "very busy and important work life"! When we lived in New Orleans, Dali and I started most mornings walking together in City Park. Certain times of the year you could see the pelicans and also the white egrets. One morning we passed an area where the new sculpture garden was being constructed. One of the workmen was parked in a car to the left, head in the paper, drinking his cup of coffee. I then looked to the right to the lagoon where there must have been close to a hundred white egrets. They sat in the trees and on the shore and choreographed an amazing swooping dance from tree to tree and shore to shore. All that was missing was the Mozart. I wondered-did our workman even notice what was right outside his window?
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