Recently, I introduced a new opportunity that I am offering here at the Chatette that I've called: Mélange-ing Magic. I only touched the surface with you the first time I wrote about it, but now I'd like to go a little further in depth with you about what it is and how it works. I will also be setting up a photo album specifically for Mélange-ing Magic to give you a better idea of our location and what is available here.
I'm sure you've heard of a PHOTO-OP, but have you ever heard of a MAGIC-OP? Our MAGIC-OP puts you in a place where your magic is able to mix with the immortal magic, history and romance of the LOT VALLEY. This is NOT a RETREAT, WORKSHOP, DATING SERVICE, or VACATION.
This is an OPPORTUNITY for YOU! -and YOU Alone to bring your individual magic and experience the sweet, simple uncomplicated life in the south of France.
This is YOUR experience. This is YOUR opportunity. We are available to assist and support you. We are available to make suggestions and consult with you through your stay with us; but we offer no formal experience. You will have the luxury of a safe home base where you can venture out each day to design your own magic mixing, self-guided experience. ARE YOU READY?
Tomorrow, I'll tell you more about fees, set-up, your responsibilities and how to schedule your own Mélange-ing Magic experience. You can see from these photos of the Chatette that the Magic is always Mélange-ing! I hope we've piqued your interest and you're ready to come mix your magic with ours.