There is so much to love and miss about home. Being a person who finds comfort in routines, this work has challenged my ability to find new ones to carry me through the two months that I've been working. I miss my morning walks with Dali, coffees with Jean, language classes, candles softening the approaching dawn, stoking up the fireplace, an evening glass of Cahors beside the blazing fire with Dal at my feet and Sam in my lap, playing Monsieur Winkelmann, and even regularly writing in my journal. I have gone weeks at a time here in Germany without writing there. I have my reasons which become clearer and clearer, but I realize that my blogging and my e-mailing have replaced my journaling here for the moment from Germany. I'm once more grateful for all this technology that makes the other things that I must do in my life easier. I've described myself to some here as a "square peg in a round hole". I feel it. I haven't been comfortable, but I am learning that I don't always have to be. Discomfort has pushed my boundaries and helped me to step out of my box. I didn't think I owned a box anymore. I return to France an even more (if that is possible) open person than I was prior to my departure. I have learned much and experienced new and different from a whole new perspective. It's still nice to know that a glass of Cahors beside a blazing fire, with Dal at my feet, and Sam in my lap are all waiting for me at home in the place of my heart.
My ruby red slippers are doing everything they can to be still till it's time. So far, we're having success and even OZ can feel a little like home!
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | March 25, 2010 at 07:15 AM
I can't believe you haven't written in your journal! The red reflection in your photo reminds me of Dorothy's ruby red slippers in the Wizard of Oz...remember how she clicked them together and chanted...'there's no place like home, there's no place like home?' Here's to HOME and all it holds for you!
Posted by: Evelyn Jackson | March 24, 2010 at 02:48 PM