Lots of flying and dropping going on around here these days. When I'm not gazing out the windows at the hang-gliders on the other side of the river, I have the animal kingdom to entertain me. This bird has a nest above one of my windows, and swoops down to the road regularly. You might here me scream: "Look out little bird" as the crazy drivers come speeding by, but she seems to have her technique down. She hops up on the wall and then bounces her way down to the river. Occasionally, she hovers right at my window with wings flapping feverishly just to say hello. Then this morning, I was bringing laundry in from the terrace and I kept hearing a noise. I stopped to listen and realized it was coming from this floral hanging bag that is suppose to keep bugs, snails and slugs off your delicate plants. Mine is empty, and it sounded like there was a bird stuck inside. I tried to first get the lid off and then just took it down. I looked inside the hole in the top, and there was one of our favorite tiny, brown, field mice looking out at me with his whiskers twitching. I laid the contraption over on its side on the terrace wall, et voila...he scurried out of the hole and ran down the wall into the garden. All I want to know is how in the world did he manage to get in that thing?
I snuck one of these pictures of the ladder up to the loft of the barn into one of the large photo groupings on an earlier post. I'd mentioned it, but thought if I hid it well enough my folks might not see it. I expect runs of "Now Laury, you be careful on that ladder" during future telephone conversation once they see this photo. I too, have my technique down and it doesn't include any "flying and dropping"-at least not so far. Wait till they see the holes in the floor of the loft!
I still have more to do inside, but today back on the land...you should see the back of the barn...incredible!
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | June 11, 2010 at 03:06 PM
The barn is looking very clean!
Posted by: Evelyn | June 11, 2010 at 02:15 PM