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« Equipe LAURY | Main | Il y a PLUS que des ANGES-APERO »

August 30, 2010


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Niels Windfeld Lund

great, and fantastic with the connection to Jan, hope to get some photos of them, for myself I think I stick to as you said the good blue ones !:)

Laury Bourgeois

You're not crazy at all Niels...I wore my "good" blue overalls for the barn apero because I still had work to do, but for the vernissage and the bar d'été on pink salopettes! It was fun...and, Jan is going to make me two special patterned pairs!

Niels Windfeld Lund

I must come with my usual question, crazy as I am, did you wear your pink salopettes ?:)


They better sing it for me when I'm there! I see a video blog entry in the making.

Laury Bourgeois

I'm ashamed to say that I don't know the tune they used, but in the refrain they scream "qui ça" and "où ça" and I just giggle like a ninny every time. I don't think it's an official "chorale" but there is a bunch of them that love to sing and put it to good use. It was a group effort with JP and C, J and P, and Françoise and Jean-Pierre-such a treat! I bet they'll do it for you while you're here!


And the tune is? I must practice this little ditty. I knew it had something to do with either singing or a poem for you! Who wrote it? Is there really a Cadrieu Chorale? Feel free to answer questions when you get caught up.

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