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  • Sheron Long: Dog Trots Globe (*****)
  • Jeffrey Penn May: Where the River Splits (*****)
  • Joseph Joffo: A Bag of Marbles (*****)
  • Leo Buscaglia, Ph.D.: The Fall of Freddie the Leaf-A Story of Life for All Ages (*****)
  • Richard Bach: Illusions-The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah (*****)
  • Thad Carhart: The Piano Shop on the Left Bank-Discovering a Forgotten Passion in a Paris Atelier (*****)
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August 29, 2010


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Laury Bourgeois

You guys are very very close-yes to the pieces of paper Evelyn and better than Laury's farm Arabella-and all in French to boot!


I bet they sang "Laury Bourgeois had a farm eey i eey i ooh. And on this farm she had a barn......"


I think I know some of what Team Laury accomplished on Friday night, but I'm anxious to hear what else these folks did for you! Does it have to do with those pieces of paper they're holding in their hands??

Niels Windfeld Lund

no idea, waiting with excitement for continuation ! but it's funny that similar comments came when Bodil (my wife) and I bought our farm house, and our friends told us that we would miss cafés, social life etc. etc. but our very tiny village, 9-10 houses/farms, are really social, not in a tight sense, but in a long-lasting sense !, and we are never missing anything there ! enjoy Sunday and looking forward to read more tomorrow !

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