One of the things I love most about living in France is the flowers. You don't have to break the bank each week to keep beautiful floral bouquets in your home. I used to buy flowers for myself from time to time in New Orleans. I considered it a gift to myself for all that constant, stressful, hard work I was doing. They always cheered me up, even if a bouquet like the one in these photos would have cost me close to $30 back in the states. Evelyn returned the rental car in Cahors on Saturday, and then we made a run to the Poste, my favorite coffee shop, the market, and lunch with my friend. This time we were heading home on the bus at one, so I knew these beauties would survive till we reached the Chatette. They are so beautiful and so colorful that it is hard to choose which of the 10 stems you want. Any ideas how much I paid for these 10 stems?
Thanks Anne-after I wrote this, I thought I might have written about the price on another post...oh well. We're all settling in fine-the next six weeks are going to fly-Take care-Laury
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | September 29, 2010 at 06:14 AM
I do but won't give the game away ..:-) The colours are georgeous !! Pleased Evelvyn got there ok after the hiccup with travel.
Hope all is well and sorted for your travels> How is Jean, do say hello from me, and to everyone else. Bye for now. Anne .
Posted by: anne | September 28, 2010 at 07:40 PM