As I get ready to bus and train my way to Paris tomorrow for an overnight before I head to the airport to fly to the states on Friday, I'm feeling rather Gargoyle-ish. I'm doing a lot of gazing off into the distance to try to figure out why I'm feeling off balance, uncomfortable, and at loose ends. As much as I enjoy seeing my friends and family, these trips are never easy. This trip should be one of the easiest in that Evelyn is here for Dali and Sam. I've come to the conclusion that I just don't want to leave here. I just don't want to leave home. I always feel like I have been yanked or wrenched away from here each time I have to go. I chuckled at a woman at an apero one night. We were talking about my upcoming work contracts and she said to me: "I bet you're just dying to get away from here." I just looked at her and said: "No. I'd never leave this place if I didn't have to." And, therein lies my answer.
It's amazing how people find each other, huh Anne? Glad to know you were getting used to the Lot-as I tell everyone...this is the country-be prepared! It's not for everyone...but it's for me.
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | October 07, 2010 at 05:25 AM
I love it where you are and was so getting used to it :-) ...
And Laury do you know the amazing thing? Diane lives in my village here in the UK ... and we only found each other through blogging in past few months.
Posted by: anne | October 07, 2010 at 02:03 AM
Thanks for stopping by Diane. Sounds like we're "birds of a feather"! Take care-Laury
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | October 06, 2010 at 09:22 PM
Visiting via Anne in Oxford's blog. I know the feeling well. I am in France from April to October and then return very reluctantly to the UK for winter. Just waiting for my husband to retire then I hope we will never have to leave France again. Diane
Posted by: Diane | October 06, 2010 at 06:50 PM