The world is still a strange and crazy place to me. Working today, I'm up my usual time so I can journal, blog, and ease into a day of work this Easter weekend. I tend to fall asleep with the television on. CNN's Anderson Cooper is a favorite. This morning went from tears for the two young, accomplished journalists who were killed in Libya to giggling Royal Wedding etiquette. But then, the breaking story of a tornado that touched down at Lambert Airport in St. Louis. It was a little before 5am here in Stuttgart-a little before 10pm in St. Louis. Mom and Dad are in Ferguson. Kat and Tom are in Normandy. Each live within 10-15 minutes of the airport. So, I pulled up Skype and got busy. After my folk's number just rang and rang and getting the answering machine at Kat and Tom's, I called my brother Jim in Kansas. He pulled the info up on the internet and it sounded even worse. After a few more unsuccessful calls, Mom and Dad's neighbor Theresa filled me in on just how close of a call it really was for them. We agreed...we are very grateful. Kat and Tom had already tried to get over to Mom and Dad's but couldn't...too many powerlines, trees, etc. down along the route and an hour to get home. Kat and Tom are fine-no damage-electricity. Mom and Dad are fine, but without electricity. How grateful am I that I can sit in a hotel room in Stuttgart Germany, and not only discover a St. Louis disaster that could affect my family, but know within 45 minutes that everyone is okay.
Thanks everyone-I don't know much more than what I wrote here this morning but am guessing there will be improvement soon.
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | April 23, 2011 at 05:40 PM
your family will be in my prayers. So many of my friends still live in the old nieghborhood.
Posted by: Fran Reed Bauer | April 23, 2011 at 08:51 AM
Here's one that belatedly came to mind: "GREAT"!
Posted by: tinnitus cure | April 23, 2011 at 08:08 AM