Quatorze Juillet is one of the French Holidays we always seem to celebrate at the Chatette. Over the years, I've come to lean more to small and intimate gatherings, than mob action. I'd invited Jean, and Jane and Yves down to have pizza together. Throughout the day, I reflected on previous Bastille Days and remembered that my first celebration here was six years ago. I had just met Jean and Roy. I'd stood on the steps with Yves looking at my excavation handiwork on the lower garden...now terrace and he said: "Perhaps you don't go back." A lot has happened in those six years. 2005 was a landmark year for me. I like remembering. They all laughed at me last night when I shared these memories, and then I teased: "Don't forget, I journal and have most of it on film too!" So, we luxuriated in the comfort of our long-standing friendships, solved the problems of the world (or at least tried), and caught up on local events, upcoming visitors, travels and kids coming home. I can't think of a better way to celebrate Quatorze Juillet, than to celebrate this wonderful life we share. And the food wasn't half-bad either!
I'd made my infamous deviled eggs, my "Poor People's Paté", Saujac Tomato Mozzarella and Herb Salad, Jean made our favorite Lemon Meringue Pie, Yves brought a bottle of rosé and Jane brought, yes...4 glass yogurt pots full of cocktail tomatoes from their garden. I'm now up to 16 pots that I still need to finish.
A Very Happy Quatorze Juillet to All!