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  • Leo Buscaglia, Ph.D.: The Fall of Freddie the Leaf-A Story of Life for All Ages (*****)
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« Firsts-From New Orleans | Main | On the Market to Sell »

October 28, 2011


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Laury Bourgeois

Thanks Wend-The house is now empty. Tom and Adrianne came over to get some things they had stored and I had a few odds and ends that we've brought over to Stew and Eric so we can sort it out and make a plan. Most went to Tom and Adrianne-some will stay here-the rest will be donated. And, I will take you up on that bottle of wine from the stash upon my return! Love to you and the kids-you are an old pro at this selling stuff...can you believe that this is the first time I have ever sold ANYTHING? Love Lots, Laury

Laury Bourgeois

You know Evelyn-my Dal is slowing down. She and Lucie have done so well...Louie might even be too much for Lucie! He'd fit in my backpack, but I don't think I'd be invited back if he came along! Missing my pack-Love, Laury


Courage to you. Laury! Be sure to give yourself a bottle of wine from my stash chez toi upon your return.....

Evelyn Jackson

Do you think you could smuggle Baby Louie home with you? I think Lucie and Sam would love him!(not sure about Dali...he might have too much puppy energy for her!) Your digs are beautiful.

Laury Bourgeois

Throughout this process I've talked about the end of chapters, but this feels a little more like closing the back cover of a book. I tend to hold on to it, feel it, remember all that the story held...and then put it down and move on! Love You Sam-Laury

Sam Lucero

I love turning the page and starting a new chapter...God knows I've turned a lot of pages, and started many new chapters.

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