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Books on the Beam

  • Carlos Ruiz Zafon: The Shadow of the Wind (*****)
  • Sheron Long: Dog Trots Globe (*****)
  • Jeffrey Penn May: Where the River Splits (*****)
  • Joseph Joffo: A Bag of Marbles (*****)
  • Leo Buscaglia, Ph.D.: The Fall of Freddie the Leaf-A Story of Life for All Ages (*****)
  • Richard Bach: Illusions-The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah (*****)
  • Thad Carhart: The Piano Shop on the Left Bank-Discovering a Forgotten Passion in a Paris Atelier (*****)
  • Rick Jarow: Creating the Work You Love (*****)


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October 30, 2011


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Laury Bourgeois

You're right Niels...extremely fascinating and a lot of joy and fun! It's much nicer to come and feel like I'm on vacation for a change, but still a bit bizarre!

Niels Windfeld Lund

to me it looks like something in-between Paris/Montmartre and San Francisco/Mission :) in other words, extremely fascinating and lots of joy and fun !

Laury Bourgeois

I only seem to have that itch when they are going to be decorating the Chatette, Barn and environs. I've been very good, although I was tempted to buy one the other day. I saw that window and remembered all my "A Bientôt Y'Alls" after I've had a few drinks and it made me smile.

Evelyn Jackson

Were you just itching to carve those pretty pumpkins! Love the 'bon appetit, ya'll'

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