Michel and Andre gifted me with this beautiful poppy umbrella on my last trip to the states. I loved it. I brought it to Holland with me, but it appears that: daily rain since my arrival; gale force winds, opening and closing it as much a 10 times a day; and having to push the top against a hard surface to get it to close; have all added to it's demise. Poor baby was truly over-worked and under-paid. All of it's opening and closing mechanism just crumbled and fell right out of the handle. It is now permanently open, and must be wrestled shut and held tightly, while you wrap the ribbon around and velcro it shut to keep it closed. Does it come home with me? Does it stay in Holland? Maybe I'll have decided by the end of the week when I'm packing to go home.
It is actually Monday morning here as I write and we have my FIRST SNOW since my arriival!
Ah, Michel...my poppy parapluie is going to be reborn in the Lot as a poppy parasol! Evelyn has suggested that it could be attached to a chair or bench eternally open and protecting me from the sun! No more constant opening and closing...just at the start and end of the season...and, it seems to me that it always should have been a parasol all along! Poppies belong in the sunshine! The wonderful memories of you and Andre far outweigh the rain and stress of here. I have lots more to tell you about Paris and New Orleans, but will save it till I'm home and have more time. Love Lots, Laury
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | February 01, 2012 at 05:01 AM
C'est Dommage! I'm sorry the poppie parapluie did not survive in it's functional beauty ;-( But as long as it provided some shelter in the rain I guess it did the job in it's short life. Unless you can thing of some decorative purpose for it at the Chatette, I would leave the umbrella behind will all the rain, and work stress from your assignment. You won’t be needing reminders of that on the Lot. I bet the sun will be shining when you arrive home. I know it will be internally at least! Congrats on your final week in Holland and hope you have a safe trip home. Your Mom told me you might have an interesting overnight stop planned in Paris on the way back? Enjoy the snow! No real winter here in St. Louis yet...67 degress yesterday and same for today!
Love Michel
Posted by: Michel | January 31, 2012 at 08:22 PM