Yes, it is snowing in Holland. This shot I took last year says it all. Yesterday was our first snow of the season, but last year when I was here we had lots of snow that stayed on the ground for the whole two months I was here. It was deep, fell regularly, and was quite beautiful on and off. I realized on this trip, that I prefer snow to rain. I should preface that by saying I'm mostly walking and not driving. I have always loved walking. My European lifestyle supports it, so I walk whenever I can. I enjoy walking to work and am able to get there easily in 20 minutes. It's quiet. I ponder my day. I reflect on the meaning of my work, my life and what may or may not lie ahead. It's a quicker walk in the rain-in the snow it takes about 30 minutes. But with the snow: you sometimes get sunshine, you don't have gale force winds, you don't have to carry an umbrella, and you don't show up at work with anything other than rosy cheeks. It rained almost every day since I arrived two months ago. I always felt damp. So, as I come to the end of another work assignment-I'm feeling happy and home in Holland with the snow. It's a nice way to close out my time here, with memories of incredible winter wonderlands of last year.
I love that I can live my life without a car in France. That may change as I get older, but for now-I'm loving every minute of it. I've discovered that it is something many people don't understand...I'm already pondering a future post on the topic for when I get home. Always great to hear from you-be back from the Chatette-Love, Laury
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | February 01, 2012 at 04:52 AM
hi again, here it is from ice to a little snow above a very icy ground, hard frozen ice, requiring spikes on your boots in order to walk at all in town, except in downtown with heated pavements :) and I also walk to work, around 20 minutes, have never learned to drive a car ! (it's true, neither Bodil!) so I hope for more snow to walk in, completely agree, snow is better than rain, when you don't need to bother with cars !:)
Posted by: Niels Windfeld Lund | January 31, 2012 at 08:30 PM