Back on yesterday's way, my first stop was the garbage can on the path. Permit me a moment: I just don't understand why anyone has to leave their trash in public spaces. Pretty or hard is it to walk to the trash can with your bottles, left over food, etc.? NOT VERY! Could it be LAZY? It's just plain lazy and inconsiderate.
Okay, then. The rainbow boats called me back and just looked so pretty. I discovered 2 geese on the path. Having had prior "Goose Experience", I gave them a wide birth. As I got closer, I could see the three baby goslings toddling along between them...out for a family morning stroll and breakfast together. Amazingly, they paid me no mind.
And you can't go wrong with the streetcar through the roses. Jazz Fest begins today in the hood. The world will be passing in front of my door and maybe even parking in my drive. Happy Friday-Happy Festing!
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