It began with the rose from my lion and an empty pot of coffee. Ah, I remembered I'd picked up a jar of Nescafe on sale recently. What could be easier?
I cracked open the sealed jar to a wiff of that familiar, pungent aroma that carries me to special moments with Vera and Jean: big bowls with Vera on the Rue Ballu in Paris and ivy bordered coffee cups that Jean and I would hold to our cheeks at her table on Lotoise mornings.
I love Nescafé. I love it for its taste. I love it for its ease. I love it for that aroma...and, the magic that it mixes in the memories of my life. Maybe it's time for another cup. Oh, I have lots of coffee in my pot this morning, but I'm in New Orleans and Jean's in the Lot. Maybe that cup of Nescafé would slice through the miles and plunk me at Jean's table! Cheers to Nescafe!
You're funny Clare-you're right about the being away from France too long part (and it doesn't look like I'll make it back this summer), but I've loved Nescafe since the early 80's. Hope all is well-I'll try to drop you a longer email and fill you in a little more on what's going on. Miss you-Laury
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | May 30, 2013 at 12:14 PM
Oh, dear, Laury. If Nescafe tastes good to you, you've been away from France too long:-}
Posted by: Clare | May 30, 2013 at 01:12 AM