Tomorrow will be the one year anniversary of the day that Dali, Sammie Cat and I, left Cadrieu for the states. It's hard to believe that a year has passed. So much has happened, and so much continues to happen. On November 15, Sammie Cat and I will be ready for our new tenants to move in to the apartment. Of course, that means yet another change for us. We're doing what we do...taking it a step at a time and tryng to pay attention as we go. Sammie is already settling in to her new routine and digs. With less space, the question of where to put the kitty litter loomed. It began with the suggestion from my upstairs friend/tenant, John...put a cat door on the broom closet and use that. We are not "cat door" people, but the more I looked at the broom closet...why not take the door off, dude it up a little bit, et voila...a cozy corner for my sweet Sam. We are very pleased with ourselves, and John approves. As we move through to yet another change in our lives, I realized that this latest move brings us full circle. When I bought Columbus Street back in 1980, I had a tenant in the apartment, my brother upstairs, and I was living on the first floor. Now, I have a friend/tenant upstairs, tenants in the apartment, and Sammie Cat and I are living on the first floor. We're just coming around again.
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