I've learned the lessons of working in the sun and heat. Take breaks. It gives your skin and the rest of your system a rest so you can go back out and keep working. Cutting my grass is a big job that I generally enjoy. I have sections that are huge in area, but level; and others that are small in area but very uneven and lots of up and down with steep grades.
Pushing to get the big level piece cut the other day, I found I needed to stop every so often and take a break. It turned out to be a very pleasant day...with mint green iced tea, plums from my tree, and interludes of reading "The Rape of Europa" (for my second time) as I went. Everything got done on that piece and looked beautiful.
I can't say the same for yesterday. I confess, even though I stopped I did over do it. With that tough terrain, I always think: "Just a little more...just a little more..." but finally got wise in front of the barn and cut enough so if I want to varnish and clean the grass will be cut there and not in the way. On to more enjoyable chores...maybe a little treasure hunting today. More on that another time!
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