All of my hopes of getting the garden pretty this summer just multiplied.
Our Columbus Street garden began again upon my return in 2013, with beautiful plants from Stew and Eric, and Ron and Wilson. Then, there was the stash I brought down with me from Ferguson. (Aren't those 411 Tiger Lilies happy and pretty?)
Last week's trip to Mahogany Oaks and Barbara's weekend visit, loaded us up even further. Summers when I'm here, Barbara usually brings over her plants for me to babysit while she is gone. This time, she brought a few for me too.
Mike had already warned me that there were lots of "Laury" plants waiting for me at Mahogany Oaks. We are now all ferned and geraniumed up. But, when I saw his beautiful buddleia's, I had to have some cuttings of each color. I've had great success with rooting them in Cadrieu, so I'm hoping for the same here. They're looking pretty happy at the moment. The old reliable trumpet plants are trumpeting, our wanderers are wandering, but I'm wondering if our wildflowers have gone the way of the snails and other creatures.
It's hard to blame them. Not only has everyone else appeared to survive the ranging, grazing creatures of spring; we have new pals stopping by to visit and hang out a bit.
Everyone is welcome!
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