Teaching this morning, and then getting ready to begin the trip north this afternoon; I may not get back to write.
Mike is coming to get me. Then, we'll go uptown to scoop Tom and stay at Mahogany Oaks tonight before John, Mike, Tom and I head north to celebrate Mom's life with family and friends.
We are lovers of music in my family. We've each had things of our own that we've wanted to do and share. Of course there will be flowers for our Mom, but music is a big part of celebrating her and her life with our Dad and us.
Before Kat was born and we were still living on Kappel Drive, Mom would get out her Nat King Cole "Ramblin' Rose" Album and we'd all sing, laugh, dance, jump around and sometimes scream. Although so much of what Nat sang were ballads and love songs-we found that Wolverton Mountain and Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer were great screaming and jumping tunes! Of course, Mom danced and sang and would grab each of us and try to teach us a bit. Some of us were better pupils than others of us
Jim has put together an impressive tunes list for background music during the visitation and a smaller targeted choice for the service. Kat mentioned to me yesterday that there is a piano. I confess; I'd wondered and wanted to ask but thought maybe it would be best to just leave that alone. Now, I can't.
I'll be bringing "Moon River" up with me again. I remember all my loves and friends who have passed on for whom I said that I'd wished I could have played "Moon River" for them one more time. Sunday afternoon, I'll be playing it for Mom.
For those of you who would like to join us in celebrating Helen's life-you will find us at Valhallah, 7600 St. Charles Rock Road, St. Louis, MO on Sunday, February 21, 2016 from noon until 3pm. From noon to 2 is visitation. From 2-3 we will be celebrating her life with a family planned memorial service. Cookies, Coffee (and maybe more) to follow. Mom would approve!
Love and thanks to everyone. Today is the day...you might hear Moon River wafting south sometime between 2 and three today. Love, Laury
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | February 21, 2016 at 10:48 AM
beautiful memories
Posted by: larry graham | February 20, 2016 at 02:35 PM
Love the photo of you girls. So priceless.
Posted by: Theresa | February 20, 2016 at 03:12 AM
I'll be there in spirit for you, my darling.
My heart is achingly heavy with sadness for you and your family.
- Henry Kubicki
Posted by: Henry Kubicki | February 19, 2016 at 02:41 AM
You know we'll be there. Love, T
Posted by: Theresa | February 18, 2016 at 08:33 PM
I wish I could be there, remembering you playing together with Bodil 3 years ago! I'm sure you will have a really great time, playing Moon River together with your family and friends, and following your appearance in this post, overall love Niels
Posted by: Niels | February 18, 2016 at 01:18 PM