One of the few things that I am even close to being"religious" about is writing a blog post every morning and calling my Dad at 7am before he goes to breakfast. Here I am at almost the end of the day and I've written nothing (but I did call Dad).
This morning I was returning from Mahogany Oaks with Mike when I'd have normally been writing. We got back in time for me to still call Dad. Then I had an appointment, but Mike stayed and we had a morning to share together. Oh, I could have written something or snuck in a photo or so. But, wouldn't you rather have a coffee with a wonderful friend, solve the problems of the world, share your plans that are firmed up for returning home to Cadrieu at the end of June, and wander around in the neighborhood; than tie yourself to the computer and write? I opted to spend that quality time with my wonderful friend. Not only did we have a wonderful morning together; the morning followed a spectacular evening of celebrating John's birthday.
I've so much more to share of celebration, beauty, serendipity and giggles. I'll be back with more, but for now I hope you'll enjoy the sunrise over Lake Ponchartrain this morning. Spectacular!