...a lot more than the worm. Arriving at the March site at the crack of dawn had its benefits.Yes, it was dark. Yes, it was misty and chilly. But, the early emptiness gave me a chance to wander around and see things that I would never have been able to see had I arrived later and among huge expected crowds.
Nothing does a 62 year old New Orleans woman's heart good like seeing ample portalets. Honestly, I'd never seen so many portalets in my life...
...and that says a lot coming from New Orleans where we have Mardi Gras and JazzFest annually.
Planned Parenthood was already out and setting up!
Planned Parenthood is always there and always prepared!
One of the biggest early morning treats for me was getting to see the We the People van getting ready to set up with the art for the March that was chosen through the competition sponsored by The Amplifier Organization. Posters were readily available to all participants. As excited as I was, I was disappointed to discover that the poster of the Latina Woman was not available that day. So, I did my best to capture her for Evelyn another way!
Lots of organizations were out already. It gave me a chance to talk to representatives and hear what their plans are to protect our civil rights and stand tall and proud on the advancements for women that will NOT be surrendered. I hate to say it, but the grab is already on...continuous photographs and reports of sweeping Executive Orders and dimantling of essential White House Web-sites from a man who would be king. ACLU, here I come.
I began my walk around the site to see what would work best for me in the long term. My feet were hurting already, and I knew if I was going to be able to make it through 3 hours of waiting and 3 hours of speakers; I was going to have to find a place to sit.
I was able to get really close early on, but decided to settle for a spot with a seat and a good view of one of the many monster screens that were available. I couldn't have chosen better. I parked my butt on a damp ledge using my raincoat from Stew and Eric as seat protection. I visited with my neighbors...the great state of Maryland allowed me to hang out with their contingent, and waited.
A wait that ended with an opening to the day that could not have been a more powerful and poignant way to pledge our hearts, souls and action to the furtherance of human rights! We Stand Together!
I'm happyy to hear you say that Niels-sometimes I feel like it's too much-but it's for me, and whoever is reading it too. I don't want to lose a moment. Thanks for sticking with me-Love you-Laury
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | January 24, 2017 at 09:50 PM
really exciting to read, a true 24 hours experience ! and all the people you met ! I would have love to be there, love Niels
Posted by: Niels | January 24, 2017 at 08:21 PM