There are so many wonderful things about living in New Orleans. As I've said many times, it is my many fabulous friends who top that list. It is also fun when friends of friends become friends.
That's becoming the case with Eric's and Stew's neighbor Deanna. Here's Deanna with Eric at the Endymion Parade and Stew at the Barcus Parade!
We're often doing things together...heading to City Park on our bikes for the 4th, Mardi Gras and other events. It was such a nice surprise to receive an invite from Deanna on Facebook to join her and the neighbors for an "Altoid Altar" making party. It sounded like fun and piqued my interest. Being on my bike makes things after dark a problem, but Eric came and scooped me up.
I had chosen some things to bring to construct my altar(s) and other tools that I thought might be useful! I could have come empty handed. Deanna had so much already laid out on the table to pick from. I tried to stick to my stash but Deanna's stuff was irresistable...tiny china creatures, real butterfly wings, postage stamps, jewels, rocks, earrings, shells, and glitter-glitter and more glitter.
Eric went to work on his and focused on one. Me, I decided that I was going to try to do two-Success!
I'd decided on a theme for each. Sammie Cat was first and second was St. Therese of Lisieux.
After seeing everyone else's, I've decided that I need to relax, have more fun and be just a bit more bodacious with my Altoid Altar projects! They were so much fun and give you such a great chance to be creative!
The following day, Eric teased that the United Estates of Dupre Street were going to be crafting their way through the next four years. Every week there will be a different craft project. This week, we had Altoid week Macrame!
Not a bad idea, really. I teased back that I was very pleased that I didn't need a VISA or have to present my passport to come into the neighborhood of the United Estates of Dupre Street. HUMOR is always a good thing-these days, it feels like survival.
Even though I made 2 altoid altars (try saying that one really fast), I had some ideas for more. Deanna graciously gave me two of her empty altoid boxes to take home with me. I'm going to have to get to work-maybe even buy some to get a couple more boxes for another project I have in mind.
It's time to get back to work. I'll let you know if macrame materializes.
Happy Monday!
Thanks, Larry...they really were so much fun to do. We're just a "crafty" bunch! Hope all is well-my trip home has been pushed back because a tenant has decided to move-BUT-I figure we will be home by the end of April. Love, Laury and Sammie Cat
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | February 07, 2017 at 01:36 PM
Laury, These are great. very creative
Posted by: Larry Graham | February 06, 2017 at 06:41 PM