...Train! After yesterday's post, I knew I had some more train photos that would give everyone a much better idea of just what the train in between looked like! This shot below was taken head on from under the covered terrace and really gives you an idea of just how close the train came.
It's a little blurry, but I just got too excited!
Then, there was the day that Stuart stopped by with his daughter to do a couple things he'd promised to fix, and there they were: the SNCF track people coming along to check the condition of the tracks and to clear them if necessary
Come back tomorrow for another piece of our past that is no more!
Happy Saturday!
HUGE MERCI, Larry...as I always say-you are always welcome to come for a visit-did you think you'd sneak that year in there on me? That sounds a little more like moving in! Have a wonderful Sunday-Love, Laury and Sam
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | October 15, 2017 at 09:54 AM
I adore your posts Laury....one day I'm coming to visit, but just for a year or so. :) so beautiful & telling...
Posted by: Larry Graham | October 15, 2017 at 12:34 AM