As much as I've talked about pumpkins, Halloween and still life madness; I haven't really written or shared much here. I was really happy I captured them with the red like I did, but I have been "weening" even more than that!
These guys are all so pretty. I've learned that even before I carve them, I need to have some photo fun.
Pairing them with Flowers by Jane was perfection!
This year I have four. The two biggies were presents from Annemarie and Gerard, while the two tiny guys were scooped up at one of the Wednesday morning markets in Cajarc.
They looked pretty cute and festive making their way home in the basket of my bike with the two tiny tea roses I bought to hang with the begonia in the atrium!
Carving is next up on my list.
I usually carve, light them, and sprinkle them around the Chatette and the property to enjoy them and get a few photos.
Then, I've been known to give one or two away to the kiddos around.
Of course, I'm the biggest kiddo of all!
Happy Monday!