As I make decisions about what to buy new for the Chatette, bedding is certainly at the top of the list. I love the old fashioned quilts. I may not be looking in the right places, but they seem to be hard to find here. They fit right in perfectly with this ancient stone home. The new and very modern doesn't work for me on any front.
Thinking quilts in Cadrieu, reminded me of all of the gorgeous Mississippi quilts on exhibit at the Jackson Museum. I was grateful we went to the quilt exhibit: Stories Unfolded first. I'd have been too exhausted to see them after our time in the Civil Rights Museum.
A Later Quilt, also by Phoeba Johnson
The quilt exhibit was a perfect companion. They too, spoke to the lives and history of Mississippi and the free and enslaved south. Quilts represented both pre and post Civil War times.
One of my favorite stories was of quilt that was hidden inside the hollow of a log during the Civil War.
I'm now sorry that I only scooped the story and not the quilt itself.
I am not a quilter. I was very grateful that the quilt my Mom made for me out of handkerchiefs belonging to women in our family survived the fire safely tucked away in a suitcase in the far bedroom.
I leave you with a sample of a few of the quilts from the exhibit, as well as a "quilter" quotes" or two.
Happy Wednesday!