As time goes by, little niggling things come up with my Monsieur that need attention.
Philippe and I had already decided when he left in April that we'd have a tuning and repair session with Monsieur Winkelmann when Philippe and Catherine were back in the Lot for the summer.
That day, was yesterday. My A below middle C and my E above middle C were not happy. Plus, the pedal had dislodged. I confess, I am a "pedal hanger!"
I am always awed watching Philippe work.
The insides of my Monsieur are incredible!
Open and turned around, you get a whole new perspective.
You can actually see the workings and mechanics of just one key, or as the French say: "Touche!"
I think I prefer to think of a "touche" rather than a "key!"
There's something beautiful and living about "les touches!"
I already know that everything here has been black (and some still are).
But, to hear Philippe amazed to see so much "noir" inside my Monsieur, made me realize that there is still lots of cleaning work ahead for me there and everywhere.
Summer heat hindered my energy AND toxic cleaning chemicals in the heat were overpowering.
I'll be ready to tackle cleaning again as we drift into fall here shortly.
I also know that the exposure to the fire means that from time to time there are going to be repairs needed as we go.
One lonely key laid on the edge of the piano. Philippe said: "Extreme Malade!" Which, I would gather is a step or two above very sick.
One of the things Philippe showed me was how the leather on almost all of the keys was beginning to curl up..."le cuir!"
This led us to a little pronunciation lesson, with all the different sounds for "u" in French that don't exist for English speakers and the blasted "th" for the French.
For now, he is repairing as we go. Everyone should have a friend and piano expert who arrives in his beret and yellow Triumph, AND whistles while he works. Always!
Yesterday's Moon River serenade always makes me smile. Last April's visit also included, Smoke Gets in Your Eyes. That one brought smiles and a tear!
I hope by Toussaint when Philippe and Catherine return, Monsieur Winkelmann will be cleaner and prettier. We've already agreed that we'll arrange another session for that November return.
Huge Merci once more to Philippe.
Happy Friday!