Last night was the first night I did any entertaining at the Chatette with all my new Monstres Meubles since the fire. Friends from Figeac were coming to Cajarc and wanted to come by with a bottle of champagne to share afterwards. My task was "concoction" that went well with champagne.
First, I had to get the champagne glasses and then I could get busy "concocting!"
I'd already decided that foie gras went best with champagne.
I stopped in at Fins Gourmands and scooped the foie gras and Diamond Salt.
I already had the Figues de Provence and the Baises Roses. If I say so myself, it was very pretty and tasty too! It's a treat that I don't have very often.
It was fun for me to see what felt right with the new furniture. I was surprised to see doubles reflecting in the bonneterie!
Of course, it was a cool and pretty night so we found ourselves out on the terrace into dark where we could oggle the almost full moon.
While it is beautiful from the terrace, I knew I had to take Guy and Patrick upstairs to see our Moon River. The reflections were even more spectacular than usual. It was fun for all three of us to hang out the upstairs window together and enjoy the show.
My French starts off strong and understandable. By the end of the evening my French crashes along with me. But, how wonderful when your French friends tell you how much "mieux" your French is since our last time together over a year ago AND, you'd have no trouble with French Nationalite.
I agree with the first part, but I know I need a lot more work to be prepared for an interview in French. On verra!
Guy and Patrick are actually friends of a friend of a friend. We hit it off right away and manage to get together from time to time. I have a feeling it is going to be a little more regular now.
After my friends left, Ollie and Opie came out of hiding. They sat on the double student desk and offered to help, with those two sets of eyes gazing into mine as I worked. Pretty soon they were off to a game of deviled egg football! There were only a couple left, so what the hell. They had a great time and I got organized so I can do the dishes when I feel like it today.
I'll probably do dishes like I cleaned the rug-
Happy Sunday!
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