Leaving Cabreret after our amazing birthday lunch, we headed back the way we came in the direction of Marcillac-sur-Cele. Breath-taking would be an understatement.
My memories of Cabreret were always beautiful and profound, but for some reason this time around they were overpowering feelings capturing human insignificance and the awe of creation! These photos speak for themselves.
What the photos can't tell you is the story of a true friendship. It's the huge gift of the friend who knows you well and "gives" you your day.
Jane knows that I don't get out these ways often without a car. All the way along the route home, she would slow and sometimes stop so I was able to get stunning shots of this gorgeous place and route.
And, I never had to ask!
Being in the Lot has always been the best for me.
It is the first spot on my life journey where I was able to stop, center, pay attention to the flow of life, and live in the moment.
And, I know that I breathe.
Friends like Jane have made that journey easier.
Is it any wonder that this is where I choose to be?
Happy Thursday!