One of the happenings that I have most enjoyed over the years of here was once we began what I came to call: "Wine at the Wagon!"
It took a little more effort than something in the Chatette or on the terrace, but it was worth it.
Going through some old photos, I don't think we've had a Wine at the Wagon since I left to return to the states in 2012 with Dali and Sammie Cat!
Returns home to Cadrieu between 2012 and 2017 were sporadic to the point that keeping up with everything on the other side of the tracks became much more difficult and daunting.
We are swinging back.
The new roof on the barn and her other internal forthcoming repairs have me on the move again.
There is momentum, but in the midst of momentum I have another return to the states scheduled in mid-December for a few months.
Hmmm, maybe it's time to re-evaluate that length of stay.
As much as our place has changed, I'm reminded about the ebb and flow of friends as well. We all respond to the needs and circumstances in our lives.
We each do what we have to do to make it all work for us.
Finding that last bottom photo from a 2012 Wine at the Wagon, drove that point home hard for me.
There from left to right are Evelyn, Jean and Joan (and of course my Dali!).
By 2012, I was no longer able to look forward to Joan's regular holiday returns. She'd moved back to England by then. Jean headed back to Ipswich in late 2016 early 2017. Now, Evelyn will be returning to the states in early November.
So much change, and I'm not even going to describe all of our 4-legged children who are waiting for us at the Rainbow Bridge these days.
My return in 2017 was back to more full time here for me.
The fire that fall was another big event. Accepting change, loss, and being able to move on is so important. It doesn't mean that I don't miss everyone and do my best to keep in touch where I can.
I know that there are surprises waiting up ahead.
Happy Monday!