For someone who blogged religiously almost every day from France, being stateside has been a challenge to my blogging. My connectivity is much more limited. I've done some things to improve that situation, but every day is still not in the cards from here. While some things seem to suffer, other special moments and ahas have come my way.
I am regularly searching for silence when I am stateside. Most of the locales on these forays do not lend themselves to that.
I love the silence in Cadrieu, and have bemoaned its absence here.
Amazingly, my life during the Corona Virus in New Orleans is beginning to come closer to my life in Cadrieu. I woke up early the other morning and just surrendered. I came downstairs and laid under the quilt on the sofa. Fading in and out of sleep, I woke to a strange and bizarre feeling...silence. It took me a minute to realize what it was.
There was no outside noise at all. No inside noise either. I wrote it down in my journal later that day.
Today, I found the silence again. I laid on the sofa soaking up the silence. Silence gives me strength, power, and a nurturing grace that leads me to a power we cannot see.
Wishing you the discovery of nurturing silence
Happy Thursday!