Yesterday's celebration to honor our former Mayor and Administrative Assistant, was set to be held out on the outside terrace of the Mairie.
That provided us with an "outside venue" where we would still mask and socially distance.
Well, as you can see it rained. It's been raining.
So, after the tree planting ceremony outside from under umbrellas, hoods, and head dresses, everyone was back inside the Salle de Fete for the rest of the ceremony, aperos and nibbles.
The windows were open for ventilation. Everyone had and wore their masks. We had sanitizer at the door AND plastic gloves in the kitchen. So much makes me so proud to be a part of our village. We care about ourselves. We care about each other. We follow the rules and are careful and caring about those we love. Sometimes, that translates into EVERYONE. Are you feeling that Barney song yet?
Our new Maire, Christiane Duponchelle honchoed the event, announcing the new members of our Conseil Municipale, before honoring former Mayor-Jacques Durand and Administrative Assistant-Jacky Gardaix. It was a task completed with class, humor, gratefulness, and love.
For not thinking I'd drink or have anything to eat, one kir turned into 2 and by the time we were finished, there were three empty apero plastic glasses to remind me how many I'd had. It's good for me to use my French. I try. The more I do, the better I am...and after 3 kirs-I speak my very best French possible.
Ha-ha...that only means I'm less inhibited and willing to throw caution to the wind and try. Good thing I had some cantelope, mini-pizza pieces, mini-quiche pieces and a tiny fancy dessert-all served on individual plates at the socially distanced tables!
Home by 1:30, it was the most social day I've had since my arrival at the beginning of August.
It was wonderful to see everyone.
I had missed them, and it seemed that I was missed too. I love my village. I love my life in Cadrieu!
Cedric and Nadege gave me a ride up and back. I told them that they'd saved my life!
Happy Monday!