Yesterday, I posted a profile frame on FB around my photo that said VOTE-Have a Plan.
As I looked at that frame, I thought it was suggesting that we needed to have a plan of action for after we VOTE in case the man who currently occupies the White House loses and refuses to leave.
I've been so focused on this possible horrendous breach of our democracy, that I lost sight of the fact that many Americans are having to go the extra mile this election and even have to have a plan to just be able to VOTE PERIOD!
We have to be planning poor fools these days.
How quickly we forget...
...I had my special plan for voting too!
So, here we all are with our plans to vote, plans for the results, and plans for what may or may not happen depending on what those results may be.
In New Orleans, they've already been threatened by 6 hurricanes this season.
No wonder we're all stressed out!
So much many unknowns...everywhere!
Living with the Corona Virus adds many layers of planning for all of us.
Just leaving the house requires extra planning and protections.
Now, with winter and the holiday season upon us, we're being advised to evaluate our Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays closely as travel and family get togethers are considered. This is where the triage of priorities goes into motion. What are you willing to risk to be with family and celebrate?
For me, I''m on my own here in France, as I was in New Orleans. I am fortunate to have friends in both places, but what about the holidays for me? While Thanksgiving was always a big deal with my family, I tend to focus more on Christmas. This year, I'm already pondering and planning what I'm going to do so I can do my very best to make this a special holiday season here, in spite of all of the insanity!
I have ideas! I'm usually pretty good at making things special when I'm on my own. And besides, it's really only up to me. That doesn't mean that things can't go wrong...but I'm getting excited about all that I can do between now and the holidays to make these times special. Or, should I say, MORE special?
I hope you will join me on my holiday planning journey into MORE SPECIALNESS! And then after all that planning, we can curl up by the fire with a good book, some chocolate and a glass of Cahors wine!
Happy Thursday!
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