One of the things I started doing a few years after I began blogging and started with Facebook, was to order the Social Book and the ReSnap Photo Books.
I dipped my toe in with the Social Book which is really more of an accounting of Facebook photos, posts, timelines, comments, etc. The ReSnap Photo books are just that, only photos that you have posted on Facebook. Last year, I did a Social Book for 2019 and a ReSnap Photo Book for the first decade of my time on Facebook. This year, I'd decided only the photo book for the year 2020.
The first two shots at the beginning of the post are the front and back covers. The shot above is the first page. What a start with so many memories and things that I wanted to remember, but might have forgotten.
It's a great way to catalogue your year, events, and have gorgeous prints of your photos that you might only have digitally. I always let them choose the photos that are included and generally get the higher quality paper and finish. You don't have to do that can make your own choices!
This year, it's particularly important for me to have these photos. 2020 was quite a year for so many reasons. It's nice to have a record and be able to flip through and relive so much of the best, that was in fact, the very best of surviving the pandemic in New Orleans and many people and so much love!
The many blessings of such a wonderful life in both places.
I've shared some of the pages and people here. I will send them to those of you who are featured individually. It's nice to be able to look back and smile from ear to ear, even if we're still all living in such trying times! What a gang I gave...all over the world!
Happy Wednesday!
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