Finding momentum and movement after feeling so much "hovering" for so long, is grand.
Maybe it's the sunshine, but the energy is clearly flowing in and around me these days. Some of it I have control over and some of it I don't, so I have to think there's more moving in the universe.
It all feels good.
I'm sure no one gets as excited about before and after grass cutting pictures than I do, but those feelings of accomplishment and discovery keep me going.
Yesterday, I went out to the point with the goal of getting it finished up and maybe more.
I discovered that my wisteria is going wild and rogue even over on this point.
This land belongs to the department, but when I'm here I like to cut it myself. It's so pretty when we are neat all the way across the front of the property and then some.
By almost noon, I was finished and went to sit on the wall to enjoy my handiwork AND see if I could get a video with the sounds of the bells chiming at noon.
I did manage, but missed the first so I only got eleven and a symphony of birds that almost overwhelmed the bells.
Finishing up with rain threatening, I remembered I had more to celebrate than meeting my grass cutting goal.
Before I went out to cut, there was a knock on the door with a piece of mail I had to sign for.
OUI, my Carte de Sejour arrived and I'm now good for ten years!
Hooray with red wine, cookies and chocolate!
Happy Thursday!
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