Yesterday, I'd decided to get out over by the barn and do a little work while I sorted out in my mind what I needed to do to get us more "manicured" and fine tuned before winter sets in. Before I could even get my hiking boots on, I heard a plunk against the door. Sure thing, this little guy was laying on his back not too far from the door.
I've learned over time that it's best to leave them to their own devices and eventually most will fly away unassisted.
I sat with the little guy while I put my hiking boots on from the stair case, so I could keep an eye on him. I confess, I hadn't done it this way before. It was quite an education. I could see that he was breathing. Then, he first moved one leg and the other leg until both legs had been tested. Then, he was on to wings and did the same drill. He moved his head around a couple of times and flicked his tail.
Soon, he was able to right himself, but still seemed dazed. He nibbled at both wings and mostly sat and looked around. I'd knocked on the glass and got his attention, but he didn't move. By the time I was ready to go out, he was off as soon as I began to open the door. Watching him was a treat for me.
My garden "sauvage" is continuing in its wildness.
Almost two weeks ago now, the guys had cleared around the barn for me too, so I inspected the meter/meter and a half area around the side and back of the barn.
They'd cut through the red vines and the ivy and gave me room to move and work, so I decided to go ahead and pull the red vines down the rest of the way and to prune the ivy that was hanging on for dear life.
I've learned that once everyone is separated from their roots, the stuff up high dies and you can go back and get it later. Next will be weed killer around the edges.
I worked my way around all four walls of the barn, and feel good about getting any damaging stuff off or on its way to being off.
Of course, I ran into a gorgeous snail on the barn wall. Fortunately, I could work around this guy and he didn't need saving. He did need to have his photograph taken, many times I might add.
I have a million things I'd like to do over there inside and out. Thing is, I'm often over ambitious and not always realistic, but we shall see.
I have pictures in my mind.
Happy Friday!
Hi Niels-so glad to have the scoop about family, life, and International Overalls Weekend. The day we had the village clean up, one of my French friends said how much she enjoyed it. I have to really psych myself up to get the house together to have people here. I sometimes feel like I'm living like a hermit here with Lola. I LOVE the idea of next year. Everything is just so strange still. I have a ticket to return to the states on March 15 and will probably put the house on the market. I should be there around 5-6 weeks. Would so love to have you and Bodil back and I think my friends would enjoy an International Overalls Party again-Miss you and Bodil and Love you both bunches-Laury and Lola
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | November 01, 2021 at 08:54 AM
Hi Laury thanks a lot, when it comes to international overalls weekend, I will actually be in Oslo this year and not so many in my family in Oslo, If any, are in overalls mood, so I will be on my own, so I suppose it will be a Facebook / Instagram celebration, but what about trying to make something next year, when it will be 10 years since we visited you at the Chatette ? hopefully it will be easier to travel next year, Bodil and I are doing fine, just got another granddaughter last week, and just enjoying our quiet life here in the farmhouse, love to you all, you and Lola, Niels
Posted by: Niels | October 31, 2021 at 05:39 PM
So wonderful to hear from you Niels and to know you can "feel us" all the way up in Denmark. I wrote this whole note to you as soon as I got yours and it poofed away. Just couldn't face writing it again! Am so enjoying seeing all of your overalls antics and your Mississippi project too! On that note-is there going to be an International Overalls Weekend celebration this year. One of these days another party is in order on my end...we shall see. We sure have had some fun together no matter where we are in the world. Hope all is well with you and Bodil-Miss you and Love you Both-Laury and Lola
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | October 31, 2021 at 09:30 AM
Hi Laury, I have followed all the progress you are doing and how your community works, it makes me so happy to see all this growing around and be able to walk around the barn, I feel the good vibes all the way up here, love Niels
Posted by: Niels | October 29, 2021 at 12:03 PM