Many of you have offered suggestions, ideas and support as I sort through what to do with the addition that is tumbling. Just because I'm in a holding pattern, doesn't mean I'm not pondering and sometimes going to hell with myself.
I've run the gamut with ideas, and had pretty much settled on taking the whole thing down and only doing the bare minimum.
Today, I think I may have hit the jackpot. I'd been thinking about the electricity issue and the fact that I truly believe that there is another beautiful stone terrace there below all that soil which has been screaming at me to start digging and excavating again. That's when I thought, why not take the addition down as planned, but keep those stone corners in place and put a roof over the space. That way, I have a place for the electricity without much disruption and the stone corners can continue to support a roof and serve as storage.
Out working on the wood on the other side of the house...I remembered that most of what I didn't like about the addition was that it looked like it was just tacked on and didn't really belong to us. What could I do to bring it all together? Ah, what about putting a roof that would cover the lower terrace on the other side of the Chatette too. They could have the half-rounded tiles like the terrace on both sides, or possibly the same kind of tiles that we used on the barn.
Something about this feels really good to me. I want to sit with it a while and make some drawings. Of course, money is always an issue. So we'll see.
I am such a "meant to be" sucker here. First, is my belief that there is beautiful stone at both ends of the Chatette and under all the cement in the tunnel. Secondly, when I first bought this place, I had an interesting dream that stuck with me.
There were lots of people in the dream.
Some were up on the cliff on the other side of the tracks.
Others were milling about on the road.
Then, there was a whole group on the lower terrace near the vernissage cave.
It was clearly a celebration.
We were clearly having fun.
But the thing I always remembered the most about this dream was the huge, colorful awning that came off the top of that side of the Chatette and made an even more gorgeous and welcoming space!
My wheels are turning. I know that I don't want something coming off the top of the Chatette and an awning isn't in line with the stone. But, what if there were matching roofs on each side of the Chatette that would make a covered terrace/patio for more social occasions and a covered terrace/patio that would have storage, utilities, and a smaller social spot?
I will keep you posted!
Happy Saturday!
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