Growing up as a child in St. Louis, every Christmas we'd find our way downtown to see the Christmas Windows at Famous-Barr. Stix-Baer and Fuller had decorated windows too, but it was Famous that always seemed to win our hearts.
It didn't hurt that it meant we got to spend time with our Nannie and sometimes Nannie AND Papa.
My memories of how we got there and who we met aren't surfacing at the moment (maybe some of my siblings have clearer memories than mine).
All I can say is that they are some of my fondest holiday memories of growing up in St. Louis.
I've now decided to start another little tradition here for myself.
I am going to make a point to see our specially decorated window in Cajarc at Christmas, and if I get my act together I plan to go to St. Etienne to see the Creche that I'd seen being assembled earlier.
It's important to make new memories and new traditions.
This one will certainly bring me joy!
Happy Friday!