Here it is, January 1, 2022. Today is always the day that I sit down with my Good Things Jar from the previous year.
My week leading up to today has been a little odder than usual. It may be that I've been plugged in to memories more and there is definitely power moving that I cannot see. I should add that today is also the two year anniversary of Dad's passing.
It's unusual for there to be noises in the night. If there are, it's usually Lola. This week, a book fell out of the bed in the middle of the night and Lola jumped on my head.
The next night, a very close crashing sound and breaking noises woke Lola and I up at the same time. I couldn't imagine what it was. When the two of us went down together, I could see that the top shelf on my bonneterie had crashed down and into the glass door. The door was open. I was able to save one hanging Hummel.
The other two had been decapitated and more. I couldn't tell if they were beyond repair.
Of course, these Hummels had been Mom's and became mine over time.
I'd had more than these three, but particularly chose them to come to France with me because they were favorites AND they were small. They survived the fire.
I thought putting them in the bonneterie along with my other treasures would protect them...another ha-ha on me!
Then as I was deep in memories of Paris and people of importance, I went to look for some letters I had from William and some of my old journal entries from our early days in Paris.
In the midst of that process, I expected to see a very important letter from my college love who had been killed in a motorcycle accident in 1975.
I have carried Bill's letter all over the world with me. It was nowhere to be found. I knew it had to be here.
Even so, I couldn't remember where it was and it was making me crazy.
I told myself to just stop.
It had to be here and would turn up eventually.
I have a very bad habit of putting important things in "safe" places that are so "safe" that I don't remember where I've put them.
I began my 2022 with changing over the calendars, doing some journaling, and just enjoying the actual sun coming up earlier than usual.
I'd moved my 2021 Good Things Jar over to the book case and it was staring at me. I got it down and began dumping its contents on the table...there was a good thing I had written from 2021 and an old one from 2019. Both entries had been about Bill.
Then, lightening struck. I'd put Bill's letter and another card from his funeral in a notebook in the jar.
The note went on to say...just to have his writing and something he himself touched.
What a relief to find everything right where I had put it, in it's very safe place. I plan to be paying close attention as the year continues on. I never know who else might decide to drop by in their very own way.
Happy New Year!
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