It was Downtown Super Sunday in New Orleans.
Even though I usually catch the Downtown Mardi Gras Indians at Bayou St. John before they really get rolling; I knew that they would be passing by my corner of Broad and Columbus Street too.
It was also the last day of the three days of what I've come to call: The Great Columbus Street Give Away! I'd planned to park myself on Columbus Street for those three days. People would know I was there and they could stop by to visit, or come by and grab a few treasures.
As a strategy, it worked well. I could keep working at my own pace, stop when people came, or just stop when I'd had enough and needed a little break.
I knew I had a lot of stuff, but really hadn't counted on quite so much paper!
As busy as I was, there was very little time to think and feel anything other than whatever was right in front of my face.
This particular day, I took a break and wandered out into the backyard with my iced tea, cookies and book and just hung out. It felt good to stop. It felt good to enjoy the brand spanking new paint job on the house and it even felt good as all the memories washed over me.
I had a solitary orchid flower blooming.
Other flowers were beginning. The paint job was perfect and just a bit enticing.
I kept thinking how beautiful we looked, and had a moment of maybe I should just continue to split my time and go back and forth between Columbus Street and Cadrieu. I surprised myself. But, I also realized that it was part of the process I had to go through after the 42 years of "us!"
I heard the police sirens, drums, and music, and knew the parade wasn't to far away.
I went in to put my stuff down and wander the half a block down to Broad Street to watch a bit and come back home to "continue!"
Little did I know that when I opened the door, Dorian would be almost to my porch to visit.
His arrival changed the course of that day.
So much stuff. So many stories. So many memories, and so many wonderful shared experiences.
Happy Tuesday!