Where would you rather be? Sitting in a field of poppies in your overalls in the sunshine in the south of France, OR offering workshops on social work ethics and supervision in New Orleans?
For the last almost 20 years since I bought the Chatette, I have been fortunate to be able to do both. I learned to plan and coordinate from afar and enjoyed getting my "professional" fix (and a few bucks and CEUs) while I was back in New Orleans.
During those days, I'd spend an extended period of time in New Orleans. That time allowed me at least two visits up I-55 to spend time with my parents in St. Louis.
Mom departed in February of 2016. Now that Dad departed on January 1, 2020 and the travel has become so arduous with the requirements that need to be met with the COVID-19 virus; I have decided that I will NOT renew my LCSW-BACS credential. Since keeping up my license and CEUs was another reason to return to the states, this action frees me up to not return at all or to return for much shorter periods of time. It also allows me to return when I choose, without the stress and work of planning and offering workshops.
I am privileged and honored to have worked with many amazing students, supervisees and colleagues over the years, in varying roles and capacities. I have had a very rich professional social work life.
I wish everyone the best and
thank you for being part of my professional journey!