Gardening is often a metaphor for life. Tending the garden...planting, pruning, weeding and watering; are all important functions in both. Today I share with you my "watering" method in France. I preferred the watering can to the hose. It gets you closer to your plants and flowers, slows you down, builds muscles, and forces you to be more present in the moment. I also l0ved being able to use the water from the lavoir to water my beauties on the other side of the water charges and no humping the heavy watering can full of water to the other side of the tracks. do you nourish your garden and your life?
SOAR to Success in SOCIAL WORK with me, Laury A. Bourgeois, LCSW-BACS, 2617 Columbus Street, New Orleans, LA 70119, (504) 261-2895, and Chatette Cadrieu, Les Hortes, Route de Cajarc, 46160, Cadrieu, FRANCE,, [email protected]
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