"Come into my office, have a seat." It makes no difference whether it's a client, supervisee, or workshop participant...everyone picks the red chair. I'd noticed it the first couple of times, but didn't really pay too much attention. Now that business is picking up and we are busier, I see that it is always the Red Chair. Oh, I could analyze it and attribute meaning to it, but I just really enjoy noting it, smiling and moving on. For me, that's enough.
SOAR to Success in SOCIAL WORK with me, Laury A.Bourgeois, LCSW-BACS, 2617 Columbus Street, New Orleans, LA 70119, (504) 261-2895, and Chatette Cadrieu, Les Hortes, Route de Cajarc, 46160, Cadrieu, FRANCE,, [email protected]
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