As life goes on and we get older, I am learning that sharing is a concept that evolves and morphs throughout our lives. Ah, that it were as simple as the line we used to repeat with our pre-schoolers when I was working contracts: "Sharing is caring."
In St. Louis for the holidays, my sister and I had lots to do and lots to think about. We've done our best to support each other as challenges with our parents continue to arise, even a year later. (Wasn't this suppose to settle down? Hmmm, maybe NOT!) Beyond the ongoing issues with our folks in assisted living, we both had our own personal challenges that made the year difficult. For me, Kat was there through it all. And even more striking; she was still able to be there for me in the midst of being the only one of the four of us who is in St. Louis.
When I saw this card in Target, I had to get it! How many times over the last year plus, had we done this for each other? When you open the card the two women continue on:
"You have a beautiful body, a positive attitude, and a great personality. Your turn."
"You have lovely skin, you're generous...and nice to be with. Your turn."
"We turn to each other for a lift, a laugh, and to remind us how really great we are."
I bought the card for Kat while I was in St. Louis and sent it to her from New Orleans. Not only did we giggle together over the phone when it arrived, but I discovered one of my very own in my weekend goodie box. We couldn't be more perfect.
Sharing is about more than stuff. It includes sharing our lives and experiences through good times and challenges, supporting each other the very best that we can, and sometimes being that tiny positive voice in a sea of screams, tears and nasty.
Maybe I'm wrong. It really is as simple as "Sharing is Caring", and I am grateful that we do.
Sometimes it does seem simple, but other times oh so complicated! The card is perfect, though!
Posted by: Kathleen | 01/28/2014 at 07:03 PM
You're so right, Kat. Love, Moi
Posted by: Laury Bourgeois | 01/28/2014 at 08:04 PM