Sometimes it takes a stranger to shake us up and get us out of the doldrums. With the layers of loss in my life recently, I've been missing having a dog in my life even more. Don't get me Sammie Cat is wonderful, nurturing, sweet, and as close to perfect as a cat can be. Even though she is very much like a dog in her personality, you still have a different relationship with a dog. Fostering, here we come. Of course, I must consider her. She's been the queen bee around here ever since Dali passed two years ago this April.
I'd checked on-line and found a couple of dogs available for fostering that looked like they'd work for us for a first try. I contacted the organization and we'd been communicating back and forth. My contact came over on Wednesday afternoon to look at the house, yard, me, Sam and size us up as Foster Parents. Sam was her usual charming self-the yard works, except that a small dog could get under the wooden slat fence, and so now we wait. My contact and I had talked quite a bit. I stood on the front porch in my overalls as we said our goodbyes and she said the magic words: "You have it made!"
I stopped. I was a bit startled for a moment, but then I said: "You know, you're right. Thanks for reminding me. I haven't really been feeling that way in the last week or so." It was just another gentle shove along my way from the universe.