Making the commitment to myself to participate in the Write_On Campaign; brought a few challenges and just a little stress. Even though I'm only teaching one class this semester; genogram reviews, revising power points, special meetings, grading exams and planning the next one, take a lot of my free time away. There are so many activities that must be done outside of the classroom.
I have a tendency to do way MORE than I need to, but my commitment to the Write_On Campaign was important to me. It's important for not only what it symbolizes in our lives and times, but it's also important because this is one of the pieces of my life that I love and treasure that gets shunted aside when I'm stressed out and too busy.
I met my challenge. I had fun. I was creative. I felt good. And, I think I have some sweet, beautiful and creative pieces that people will enjoy receiving. I have many close friends old and new, who will receive one of my creations at some point in April. But then, we are of a "letter-writing" generation. That's really "preaching to the choir". I pondered impact, and decided to also "target" many of the "young" people I have contact with through teaching, supervision, and other venues.
Hmmm, encouraging letter writing across could be a very good thing!