Aside from hotel rooms and efficiencies when I was working contracts abroad, I am living in less space than ever before. I am learning to go up, making the most of what I have and still trying to hang on to the items that belong to others, I can be a multi-purposing maniac! (Wait till you see the rest of what's going to be happening around here over the summer.)
Just last week, a friend and I were problem-solving a place outside to lock up bikes. We managed to take a board down from a tall iron pole where a wooden fence/gate no longer stands. It was easier than expected, et voila...a place for him to lock up his bike and one more bookshelf board for me. But, what was I going to use to balance and rest it on.
Enter that stack of Nancy Drews for beginning inspiration and I was off and running. I confess that I had the books facing parallel to the wall on the board initially, but everythng began to rock. They are happier and steadier perpendicular, but you just can't see the pretty bindings when you look at the shelf. We have more space. More books have a place, and I can continue to use Carol's table (one of Carol's tables) as a great base for a bookshelf. Up we go!